Well it didn't take me long to make improvements to the original liquid sand DIY. But hey, that's what makes nail art fun right?
Without further ado here's a picture of the updated nail.
Basically the same steps were followed except that I applied colored polish over the base coat then followed that with one dip in the original black sand mix. I used a green polish so that the coverage could be seen.
With one dip I can see the need to add a bit more glitter to the mix.
The left side of the nail has a matte top coat whereas I left the right side with a hi-gloss finish.
Follow the jump for some more info and pictures.
So since I used white sand for the concrete nails I decided to add some glitter to it to see how it look.
Following the same basic steps for the original liquid sand DIY
- Base coat
- Black polish
- Best Glue Ever
- Dip in sand mix
- Top coat twice
As you can see, the white sand absorbed the color of the nail polish. How cool is that!
I really like how this looks!

For this photo I used a matte top coat to do a chevron french tip just to show how it looks with a matte finish.
Personally I like it better with a high gloss.
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